Call 866-Goldson(465-3766) Mon: 8am - 6pm, Tues: 8am - 1pm, Wed: 8am - 5pm, Thu: CLOSED, Fri: 8am - 6pm, Sat: 9am - 12:30pm

Dr. Thiema GoldsonDMFT, LMFT


Dr. Thiema Goldson is a licensed family therapist in Florida. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism in 2006 from the University of North Texas and upon the realization that she possessed more than one passion, she decided to go back to school to pursue a graduate degree in the mental health field. In 2013, she obtained her Master’s degree in Marriage & Family Therapy from Nova Southeastern University and in 2015 she obtained her state license in the field. Immediately after receiving her Master’s degree, Dr. Thiema began her post graduate studies and in 2016 she obtained her doctorate in Marriage and Family Therapy from Nova Southeastern University.
Dr. Thiema Goldson is married to Dr. Fidel S. Goldson Jr., owner of Goldson Spine Rehabilitation Center, where together they are responsible for leading a dynamic team of health care professionals who have aligned with the practice in order to provide exceptional patient care to the community. Dr. Thiema serves as Goldson Spine Rehab Center’s staff psychotherapist and currently provides counseling to individuals who deal with life challenges associated with anxiety, depression, marital conflict, emotional turmoil and post-traumatic stress. She is also a certified clinician with the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists. Dr. Thiema also heads up the marketing department for the company which consists of four successful locations throughout South Florida. She is an intricate part of the management team and serves as an officer for the practice’s 501.C3, (The Fidel S. Goldson Sr. Foundation), where they provide
annual educational scholarships for underprivileged youth in their community.
Dr. Thiema is a firm believer in making sure she does her part to help others recognize their full potential and strive to fulfill their God given purpose.




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