Call 866-Goldson(465-3766) Mon: 8am - 6pm, Tues: 8am - 1pm, Wed: 8am - 5pm, Thu: CLOSED, Fri: 8am - 6pm, Sat: 9am - 12:30pm

Dr. Marlyne Pierre Vil, DC


Dr. Marlyne J. Pierre Vil was born and raised in Miami, Florida and is of Haitian descent. She graduated
from Palmer College of Chiropractic, Florida in March 2022. She always wanted to help people since she was a little girl. After being introduced to Chiropractic care within the past 4 years, it taught her the benefits of helping people with their daily lives, whether work related or personal injury. Learning to have the ability to help someone with the power of your hands and not medication gave her a new perspective in life.

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