Call 866-Goldson(465-3766) Mon: 8am - 6pm, Tues: 8am - 1pm, Wed: 8am - 5pm, Thu: CLOSED, Fri: 8am - 6pm, Sat: 9am - 12:30pm

Dr. Brittany GoldsonDPT, MBA


Dr. Brittany Goldson is the Physical Therapy director of Goldson Spine Rehabilitation Center located in South Florida.  She has been a licensed Physical Therapist for almost 10 years, graduating with a doctorate from Florida International University.  Dr. Goldson also graduated from FIU with a Bachelors degree in Health Sciences and Masters in Business Administration.  Her educational background has afforded her the opportunity to act as the Chief Financial Officer of Goldson Spine as well.  Dr. Brittany Goldson started working at the Plantation location in high school as a clerical administrator.

Her passion for healthcare grew as the founder, Dr. Fidel Goldson Sr., who is also her uncle mentored her into wanting to learn more about rehabilitation.  She currently treats patients at all four locations suffering from automobile accidents, surgical procedures, neck pain, back pain, knee pain, and other injuries preventing them from being fully function in everyday life.  Her belief in practicing physical therapy is not just exercising and strengthening muscles; it is also important to have an optimal mindset and be in an atmosphere encouraging ‘turning up the life.  She has a passion for human behavior and motivating factors for her patients.

In 2018, she became a certified health coach, gaining the ability to aid her community in changing habits and seeking a healthier lifestyle.




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