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Why stretch?
Stretching is a key component of joint health. When muscles surrounding the joints are tight or tense, this can reduce mobility in the joint. By stretching regularly, you can lengthen these muscles, freeing up the joints and allowing you to move with less strain. Stretching additionally improves circulation and can help reduce stress. Invest in your overall wellness by taking a moment to practice one set of the stretches provided below, selecting the set that best reflects your lifestyle.

On your feet
Below are three simple stretches focused on providing relief to those who spend long periods of time on their feet.

Article reference:

1. Standing Lunging Calf Stretch
2. Standing Quad Stretch
3. Seated Lumbar Flexion Stretch

At your seat

Article reference:

Below are three simple stretches focused on providing relief to those who spend long periods oftime seated.

1. Wrist Flexor and Extensor Stretches
2. Shoulder Shrug
3. Back and Chest Stretch

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